The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost,
July 7, 2024
8:00 a.m. & 10 a.m. Services
Happy 4th of July!
I am in the wilds of Utah, stargazing and hiking. Lynn and I return from vacation this Friday, and I’ll see you this Sunday at Trinity.
Meanwhile, take a moment reflecting on the Collect for Independence Day from the Book of Common Prayer:
Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country realized liberty
for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations
then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have
grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace. Amen
Timothy Safford, Interim Rector
Listening for God's voice in the Sunday morning Bible study
When we finish a scripture in church, the reader says, "Hear what the Spirit is saying to God's people." Through meditating on a passage of scripture, we hear God still speaking. This is the goal of the Sunday morning Bible Study which now meets in Honyman Hall each Sunday at
9 a.m. Prepare by reading the passages in advance,click here.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024:
Noon Healing Service
Join the Rev. Noel Robinson and Deacon Christine Cassels for a quiet service of reflection and prayer, with communion and the laying on hands for healing.
Altar Flowers
The altar flowers will be given Sunday, July 7th, to the glory of God and in loving memory of Donald Smith, by his brother Bob Smith.
Do you wonder whether God is calling you to a deeper understanding of Scripture, history, and theology in an effort to respond more fully to God’s call for yourself? If so, you might want to consider joining the Education for Ministry (EfM) group that is going to begin meeting here on Aquidneck Island, Monday July15, 2024.
Education for Ministry is a unique, four-year distance learning certificate program in the theological education based upon small group study and practice offered by The University of the South (Sewanee). Join us and see if this is what you are being called to do. Mentors Christine Cassel and Noel Robinson invite you to an open house that will be held at St. Columba’s Chapel on Monday, July 15 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Please contact Deacon Christine Cassel with questions that you might have.
Final Trinity Graveyard Workshop: Tuesday (7/9/24) 3:00-5:00p.m.
Projects include:
1. Finish the French drains for the 2 French markers in time for the wreath-laying ceremonies taking place July 13-14 during Newport Historical Society’s French in Newport weekend.
2. Continue resetting the line of footstones for Frances Whiting, Elizabeth Melvill and Timothy Melvill.
Thank you all for your dedication to Trinity’s graveyard restoration efforts! If interested, please contact Jimmy Lappin, 401-341-8172.
All the best, and happy Fourth to all! Charlotte Johnson (I will be off island).
The method of signing up to volunteer for Worship Roles, Ushers, Parish Administrative Assistance, and A/V is going to change this month. In the past, volunteer Teams Leaders have used sign Up Genius,, spread sheets, calendars, post it notes, you name it, to organize the Sunday church services. It is time to centralize the different team schedules into one place. That place will be in the platform of Most Parishioners have accounts in Realm. Almost all of the current volunteers are in Realm. In order to access Realm, you will need an email address. The Mobile App for Realm is “Realm Connect”. If you do not have an email account, computer or a mobile phone, have no fear. You can always contact the team leader of the volunteer group by phone and they should be able to schedule your serving role. Please note: One mobile Realm Connect account per email. You will be able to access your Realm account through Should you have any questions or need guidance, please contact Molly Chamberlain, Parish Administrator, (401) 846-0660.
What is Realm a secure online platform design specifically for Churches and their members. Realm is the access for members. It is the “Giving” site for donations and pledges. It is a "Directory" It is a place to share “News” and promote Trinity Related “Events”. It is also a place for Volunteers to sign up for “Serving” opportunities on Sundays. It is a community-based platform that centralizes information, or all things related to Trinity Church. The above quoted words are words that you will see in Realm Connect. You can Download the App Realm Connect onto your phone or iPad and Explore the site. Some Volunteers may already receive “Assignment(s)” indicating the volunteer position that has been assigned.
If a Volunteer has received an “Assignment” and are asked to “Accept” the request, please accept if the schedule works for you in order to be confirmed in that time slot. If there is no request to accept, then you have been confirmed for that time slot. Should you need to change the date and time, please contact Molly Chamberlain, Parish Administrator, (401) 846-0660.
Lighting the Trinity Tower
The historic spire of Trinity Church is lit nightly. When you contribute to the cost of lighting, you may memorialize a person who has passed or give thanks for an event, like an anniversary or birthday. The traditional offering is $50, but please give as the Spirit moves! Contact
Molly Chamberlain, Parish Administrator, or (401) 846-0660, to make arrangements. Tower lighting memorials are shared in the weekly ETower and Sunday leaflets.
How to donate flowers at the Altar:
The Trinity Altar Society is happy to assist you in providing flowers as a beautiful symbol of what we offer to God in our worship. Whether to honor a loved one’s memory, to celebrate a special occasion, or simply in thanksgiving, it only takes a phone call or an e-mail to Chris Pimentel! We typically spend about $75 weekly on flowers, but we are grateful for donations in any amount! (Payment by way of check should be made out to the Trinity Church Altar Society or when donating online, under the Flower Donation tab.) or
Calendar for Baptism 2024-2025:
The schedule for Baptisms for the next year is available for all who plan to welcome new bundles of joy into our lives in the next few months. Adult Baptisms are invited as well. All are encouraged to contact the Parish Administrator to schedule a meeting with the Interim Rector, once you have decided on a season for a Baptism.
November 3, 2024 – All Saints
January 12, 2025 – The Sunday after the Epiphany
April 27, 2025 – Second Sunday of Easter
June 8, 2025 - Pentecost
Trinity Loves and Cares
Trinity Loves and Cares is a ministry of pastoral care of praying for and providing support to members of Trinity Church for July 2024, the TLC coordinator is Kay Winston, who can be reached via (914) 629-5021
Women’s Circle:
The Women’s circle will take a break from this ministry for July and August.
Prayer Shawl Group:
PSG will be taking a Summer break and will resume in the Fall.
The Trinity Church Reading Group:
Enjoy your summer reading. This book club will resume after Labor Day.
Park for free on Sunday Morning will begin May 1, 2024. Should you wish to park in the Mary St. Parking Lot, you will need a Trinitiy Church Parking Pass. Please click here, print a pass and place on your dashboard on Sunday Morning when you come to church. There will be limited number of passes in the Tower Room for guests. Please remember to print your passes.
Usher Talent Search
We are looking for new ushers for this important ministry at Trinity. As ushers, you will be able to greet parishioners, both old and new, as well as visitors to our historic church. This is a wonderful opportunity for new members to meet more Trinitarians and we welcome both couples or individuals. Please contact Dennis Kretzschmar, either at church or email ( for further information.
A/V Support
We are looking for individuals interested in helping to operate the A/V equipment to record the 10AM service, so those not able to attend in person can follow the service. No experience required. If you are interested, access here .
Hello Office Volunteers!
The Parish Admin Office is open and all volunteers are welcome. If you have time to assist in the office: Tuesdays and/or Fridays from 10am to 2 pm, let me know! -Molly Chamberlain, or access here .
Hymn 423,511, 333, & 345
Sunday’s Ministers
Preacher & Celebrant: The Rev. Timothy Safford
Deacon: The Rev. Christine Cassels
Organist: Michael Bahmann
Cantors: Abby, Fiona and Kate Longo
Acolyte & Crucifer: 8 AM - Donna Ellis, 10AM - Karen Nash
Lectors: 8AM - Wayne Porter, 10AM - Michael Bowley
Ushers: Richard Anderson, Dennis Kretzschmar, and Norris Commodore
A/V Production: TBD
Altar Society: Mary dePinho, Ellen Patterson, Chris Pimentel, Tricia Baylor, and Anne Glenn.
Coffee Hour: Tricia Baylor
Trinity Church
1 Queen Anne Sq.
Newport, RI 02840